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Welcome to The Sensitive Kitchen where home cooks are inspired to Cook to Enable Those You Love to Flourish. I’m Cindy Sullivan, registered dietitian, passionate nutrition, educator, and accomplished home cook. Whether you’re changing how you cook for food sensitivities, allergies, intolerances, or just trying to eat healthier on a budget, you’re in the right place.

Most episodes, I will share favorite recipes as well as modification tips and nutrition benefits. Occasionally I’ll have a guest or special episode like modifying holiday favorites. My favorite foods? The’re raspberries and homemade chocolate chip cookies. My latest cooking project was long fermented sourdough bread,

Transcript coming soon!

Resources and Research

Legume Recipes on

Quick White Beans with Tomatoes, Parmesan and Parsley

Tuscan White Beans (garnished with goat cheese & olives!)

Healthy White Chicken Chili with Fresh Chilis

Saucy Taco Meat and Beans

Slow Cooker Bean Sausage Stew

Lentils in Tomato Sauce


Beans & Heart Health

Easy Gluten Free Flour Tortillas (Only 5 Ingredients!) – use this one to make your own gluten free flour tortillas

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